
Value Link Advisors – Exit Planning

Could this be you…

buysellagreementSaved a Buck, Lost the Business
Jane and her partner never funded their buy-sell agreement with insurance pegged to the company’s value. When her partner died, Jane had to borrow money to buy out the dead partner. Within a year that loan had bankrupt the company!

estatetaxesLost Business to Pay Estate Taxes
When his Dad died he left the business to his son, but the IRS said it was worth twice what Dad had estimated. The son had to sell the business at a fire-sale price to pay Dad’s estate taxes.


businessvaluationSold Business for $8M. (Too bad worth 2x the amount).
When the owner sold his business for $8M he was ecstatic. That was until the new owner resold it a year later for $16M!



keymanretentionCompany Lost Entire Value Overnight
Frank was 52 thinking about retirement but had not taken any formal actions to start planning. Unfortunately, Frank was killed in an auto accident creating a great deal of uncertainty with the two key people leaving for a more secure firm. Business suffered and the bank called their loan.

What is a Business Transition Plan?

A business transition plan is a comprehensive road map that assists business owners in the successful and profitable exit from a privately held business. This plan asks and answers all of the critical questions that an owner and his professional advisors must consider. Take our FREE Business Health Diagnostic to help you determine your next steps.

Surprisingly, studies have shown that 75% of former business owners report that they regretted selling their business because it did not accomplish their personal or business objectives.


Most of these owners admit that they did not understand all of their options, were not able to make informed decisions, and did not know who to turn to for answers.

Unfortunately, too many business owners do not have any idea how or when they will exit their business. As a result, most business owners are:

  • Reactive rather than proactive
  • Miss strategic opportunities
  • Undervalue their companies
  • Leave hard-earned wealth on the table
  • Pay too much in taxes when they sell their companies

A well-developed exit plan shows a business owner how to maximize the value of the business, minimize taxes, and ensure that he is able to accomplish all their personal and financial objectives in the process.

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